Special Interest Lodges & Groups
There are manydifferent Lodges andgroups in Cheshire
Finding the Right Freemasonry for You
Formed by members to enjoy their shared interests and hobbies, Cheshire offers a range of special interest Lodges.
From communications to motorsport, special interest Lodges are a great way of meeting new people.
Special interest Lodges were historically formed through a common interest or purpose, and they continue to exist today. Cheshire Combined Services Lodge (CCSL) is a perfect example, with membership open to all serving and retired military and Emergency Services personnel.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the special interest Lodges within the Province of Cheshire.
Finding the Right Freemasonry for You
Formed by members to enjoy their shared interests and hobbies, Cheshire offers a range of special interest Lodges.
From communications to motorsport, special interest Lodges are a great way of meeting new people.
Special interest Lodges were historically formed through a common interest or purpose, and they continue to exist today. Cheshire Combined Services Lodge (CCSL) is a perfect example, with membership open to all serving and retired military and Emergency Services personnel.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the special interest Lodges within the Province of Cheshire.
Special Interest Lodges in Cheshire

Cheshire Combined Services Lodge No. 2916
CCSL is the Province of Cheshire’s only dedicated Combined Services Lodge, open to all serving and retired military and Emergency Services personnel. We have members from His Majesty King Charles III’s Royal Navy, Army, and RAF, together with members from the Fire Service, Police Service, and Medical profession.
Cheshire Combined Services Lodge (CCSL) held its first meeting on 28 October 2022, having gained approval from United Grand Lodge to have the Warrant from William Hesketh Lever Lodge No. 2961 (Hall Stone Jewel Lodge) reassigned, thus ensuring the important legacy and history are preserved within the Province of Cheshire.

Communications Lodge No. 2961
Formed in 2022 from the Duke of Connaught Lodge No 2961, Communications Lodge’s objective is not simply to be different for the sake of it, but to create a memorable and engaging environment within the Lodge. We aspire to foster meaningful conversations, showcase modern Lodge operations, and create a space conducive to effective communication and shared best practices. Looking ahead, discussions have centred around making the Lodge a hub for positive conversations around the 7-year strategy. We aim to invite a member of the steering group to our meetings for updates—a proposition that has received significant backing. Additionally, we intend to share valuable practices, discussing topics like creating a Lodge newsletter, community engagement, and strategies for attracting new members.

Coronation Lodge No. 2927
The Lodge is founded on ‘Reflections of Truth’ and is strongly influenced by Worshipful Brother Wilmshurst and his approach to Freemasonry and the ‘return to the Centre.’ Wilmhurst’s Lodge, ‘The Lodge of the Living Stones,’ was formed in the 1920s in Yorkshire and is still operative, and the Coronation Lodge will adhere to similar principles with an arcane and esoteric view of Freemasonry and its rituals. The Lodge will explore the ‘hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science’ and into ‘that most interesting and necessary of human studies, the Knowledge of Oneself.’ We are honoured to have Brother Robert Lomas as the Lodge Mentor. We are happy to share our journey with any sincere Brother.

Motor Sports Lodge
Motorsports Lodge No. 4371 is a Lodge dedicated to anyone interested in motorsport, be it 4-wheels or 2. We meet on the 4th Monday in October (installation) 3rd Wednesday in November 4th Monday in January and 3rd Wednesday in April at Willaston Nantwich CW5 7QL.

South Cheshire Lodge No. 5571
South Cheshire Lodge is the Scouting Lodge for Cheshire and is affiliated with the Kindred Lodges Association. It aims to promote the synergy between Freemasonry and Scouting (and other Youth Organisations). The lodge raises funds for local youth groups and projects benefiting the youth of Cheshire. Lodge members are also encouraged to volunteer their skills and time to support youth organisations.
Special Interest Lodges in Cheshire

Cheshire Combined Services Lodge No. 2916
CCSL is the Province of Cheshire’s only dedicated Combined Services Lodge, open to all serving and retired military and Emergency Services personnel. We have members from His Majesty King Charles III’s Royal Navy, Army, and RAF, together with members from the Fire Service, Police Service, and Medical profession.
Cheshire Combined Services Lodge (CCSL) held its first meeting on 28 October 2022, having gained approval from United Grand Lodge to have the Warrant from William Hesketh Lever Lodge No. 2961 (Hall Stone Jewel Lodge) reassigned, thus ensuring the important legacy and history are preserved within the Province of Cheshire.

Communications Lodge No. 2961
Formed in 2022 from the Duke of Connaught Lodge No 2961, Communications Lodge’s objective is not simply to be different for the sake of it, but to create a memorable and engaging environment within the Lodge. We aspire to foster meaningful conversations, showcase modern Lodge operations, and create a space conducive to effective communication and shared best practices. Looking ahead, discussions have centred around making the Lodge a hub for positive conversations around the 7-year strategy. We aim to invite a member of the steering group to our meetings for updates—a proposition that has received significant backing. Additionally, we intend to share valuable practices, discussing topics like creating a Lodge newsletter, community engagement, and strategies for attracting new members.

Coronation Lodge No. 2927
The Lodge is founded on ‘Reflections of Truth’ and is strongly influenced by Worshipful Brother Wilmshurst and his approach to Freemasonry and the ‘return to the Centre.’ Wilmhurst’s Lodge, ‘The Lodge of the Living Stones,’ was formed in the 1920s in Yorkshire and is still operative, and the Coronation Lodge will adhere to similar principles with an arcane and esoteric view of Freemasonry and its rituals. The Lodge will explore the ‘hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science’ and into ‘that most interesting and necessary of human studies, the Knowledge of Oneself.’ We are honoured to have Brother Robert Lomas as the Lodge Mentor. We are happy to share our journey with any sincere Brother.

Motorsports Lodge No. 4371
Motorsports Lodge No. 4371 is a Lodge dedicated to anyone interested in motorsport, be it 4-wheels or 2. We meet on the 4th Monday in October (installation) 3rd Wednesday in November 4th Monday in January and 3rd Wednesday in April at Willaston Nantwich CW5 7QL.

South Cheshire Lodge No. 5571
South Cheshire Lodge is the Scouting Lodge for Cheshire and is affiliated with the Kindred Lodges Association. It aims to promote the synergy between Freemasonry and Scouting (and other Youth Organisations). The lodge raises funds for local youth groups and projects benefiting the youth of Cheshire. Lodge members are also encouraged to volunteer their skills and time to support youth organisations.
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Special Interest Groups
In Cheshire, we have numerous Special Interest Groups from Running to Motorcycling, there is something for everyone.




Walking & Rambling


Walking Football

Lawn Bowling

Clay Pigeon
Raising Awareness of Freemasonry in the world of motorcycling
The Widows Sons

The Widows Sons is an International Association which is open to all Freemasons who enjoy motorcycling and have a desire to ride with and associate with their fraternal brothers.
The Widows Sons serve to raise money for charitable causes, raise Masonic awareness while attending public motorcycling events and support our regular Lodges.