Dad Matters Donation

Home Start is a pretty big organisation, a national network of local and community based trained volunteers and expert support networks especially centred around families with young children, and a particular focus on young and new mums. Because it is so big, its not usual for Cheshire Freemasons to support them with contributions or donations towards running costs, as our donations would be a drop in the ocean for them.
But recently Area 2 discovered a small branch charity formed from Home Start but almost entirely self funded and doing great things for young families – with a particular laser focus on Dads – called Dad Matters.
Dad Matters concentrates on providing the right help and support to young Dads, new Dads and experienced Dads all to advise and mutually help each other navigate the difficult process of building and maintaining a strong family unit, and to be given opportunities to have the best and most successful relationship with their family.
Utilising outreach services, drop in centres, and providing 1:1 peer support at maternity centres and community venues the team offer time and space to help all Dads with anxiety, stress and mental health issues.
Learning this, it was with pride that senior Freemasons Stephen Christian, Richard Dobbing and Andy Tong were able to agree and then present £2000 to Dad Matters on behalf of the Cheshire Freemasons Charity and particularly the Freemasons of Area 2.